Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Dinner

Soon after Baby Grace baptism ceremony, we decided to go for a family dinner..
So, we went to Oriental Seafood restaurant located near Rasa Ria Resort..(same way to Taman Buaya)..
The food was delicious and the price oso reasonable..
We loved it!!
Gracie with Aunty Chelven..
Koko Ethan wants to sayang2 Mei Mei G..
Kangkung goreng belacAn..wuuuhooo..sadap oo..
Ayam masakkk...aiyaa..lupa la nama ni masakan..yg penting sedap..
Ikan kerapu stim..
Daging payau black paper..
Dan ada satu dish lagi sa lupa ambil gambar...
Sup yang sedap..(Sia lupa ba nama tu sup coz my brother yg oder..lupa tanya..)
inilah jadinya...
The soup lambat sampai jadi gambar dia tidak terikut di sini..

Minuman: 3 glasses of hot lemon tea, 1 glass of chinese tea ping,
1 bottle TIGER BEER [medium]
1 bottle STOUT [big]

AND altogether, i only pay RM178 for 7 dishes plus 7 plates of rice included the drinks..Reasonable price juga kan..
Apa lagi..pigi la try..

Monday, June 27, 2011

Baby Gracie's Baptism

Yesterday was baby Gracie's baptism day @ St. John's Church and today she is 4 months old!!
She was baptize by Fr. Rayner Bisius with almost 90++ other babies and children..:) sooo meriah oo..
Penuh trus tu church..teringat time sia and my hubby kawin..pun penuh juga church :)
Here some of the pics :
Her little & simple cute dress..its not 'pure white' la but still can wear for baptism
Parents & their sponsors yang baru datang..ni belum lagi datang semua ni..

Left wing..
Gracie with her Godmother, Rosalind Esther
Gracie with mommy..
Baby Grace..Baptized by Rev.Fr.Rayner Bisius..

Our Happy Family with Rev. Fr.Rayner Bisius..
My Cutie-Pie..
The three of us..tidur sudah si Gracie..penat..:)

Thank God, all went smoothly as planned ^_^

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Baby's Bum!

Kali ni sia mau cerita pendek pasal Cloth Diaper..atau nama pendeknya CD..
Sia rasa ramai sudah yang tau pasal CD..juga dikenal sebagai Lampin Moden..
Kalau dulu2 selalu pakai lampin biasa, leceh sebab susah mo cuci..kalau baby lagi selalu kencing atau poo poo..nahhh..sengsara la mencuci..lain lagi kes kalau baby kena rashes..huhu..

Lepas tu ada PAMPERS..wuuuuhuuu!! senang kerja!
Baby kencing atau berak, buang saja pampers and ganti baru..
Wahh!! berapa banyak laitu dalam 1 hari aah?? 1 minggu?? 1 bulan??
Lama2 kuyak juga poket membeli pampers..belum masuk susu dan lain2 lagi..

Itu pasal la i choose to use Cloth Diapers for my baby..
Senang cuci..kalau baby poo poo pun, buang tu poo poo dlm tandas, pas tu cuci tu CD..tidak tinggal kesan punya..:) And most of all, dapat jimat duit dalam jangka masa panjang coz CD kan boleh cuci dan pakai semula..:) selesa dan kiut2 lagi corak dia..

Kiut kan ..twinkle2 little star lagi..

Some of my baby's CD..Handmade by Michelle V.Y.

One set : Cloth Diaper & Booties :)
Comel kan..bah..apa lagi mommies di luar sana..mari la kita ramai2 kasi pakai baby kita Cloth Diaper..dapat jimat duit, dapat jaga environment :)

By the way, i'm selling cloth diapers too..
Nanti sia kasi blog kalau stok sudah sampai :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day

 Father's Day is on 19th June this year..
But, i decided to celebrate it with my family on the 18th..(Hari ni laitu)
Kami just ccelebrate kecil-kecilan saja bah..kami2 aja :)
Walaupun sederhana but it is a meaningful celebration coz this year we have two 'FATHERs' in the family :), my dad and my husband yang baru jadi bapa this year hehe..
Daddy & Hubby
At first, i wanna do the cooking for dinner but akhirnya my hubby yang masak dinner kamirang haha..tidak pa lah..lagipun this is a double celebration for him coz his birthday is on the 17th june that is yesterday..biar la dia yg menghadiahkan kami dengan masakan yg simple tapi SADAPPPP.. hehe..
Nah masakan si hubby : SUP AYAM LIHING & sayur campur bilis..cukuuupppp :)
3 gelas FRANZIA, 1 gelas SKY JUICE (utk sia haha!!)
My mom tidak dapat sama2 kami coz dia pi attend church function..
Tapi nda apa, ada juga kami kasi tinggal dia tu kek yg sedap tuh..
O ya, by the way the FATHER'S DAY CAKE, i ordered from Dena also..sedap ohh..Carrot Cheese Cake..very yummy yummy..we love it.. .si Dena juga yg bikin tu ring sling yg sia beli baru2 tu..

Here some pictures of our celebration :)
The lovely & delicious cake :)
Dalam gambar saja pun nampak sedap kan ..
My youngest brother with daddy & hubby..

It's me ..begambar sama ni dua orang 'DADDY"
Ehh..wait..wait..mana si Baby Grace?? 
Haha..acctually, dia sudah tidur bah ni masa..so tidak mo kacau dia laa..  
Takut nanti kalau dia kana kasi bangun, nanti dia 'MINTUDAU' sampai tengah malam..huh..sengsara la sia mo tunggu..haha..nanti2 la ahh baby..


Saturday, June 11, 2011

MY CROSS-STITCHING Part 1 :The Beginning

I love cross-stitching :)
I'm not an expert in this activity, but i'm willing to try and learn..palan2 bah urang bilang..
So, i decided mo cuba bikin la satu, just to isi my masa lapang..
Harap2 jadi lah ni..

I just start this recently..baru last week..
and today, here apa yg sia baaaru dapat bikin..
coz buzy wih my baby lagi kan..have to find some time and space to do this activity :)

Harap2  sia boleh kasi complete the pattern..
I'm not going to tell you what pattern i'm stitching :)..I'll let you guess la ya..
Nanti2 akan ada sambungan lagi nih.... if siap la haha..

So, this is what i've done  sebagai permulaan lah..

I use DMC Mouline Special 25
Can you guess what is this? :) will tell you after i finish..
Wish me luck guys!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ring Sling

My little princess love to be carried in a ring sling..
When she's in it, hmm 10 minutes only, then she sleep sudah :)..no need to kasi buai2 dlm ayunan hehe..
Actually, sia ada 3 types of  baby carrier sudah..1 bought from a friend, another 1 i bought online, and the third one is a ring sling i bought last week from another friend [Dena Edmund]..
Ni naa my previous baby carrier..
I bought from a friend..bagus ni but 6 months old baru boleh pakai laa..
Premaxx Bag Sling : too big for me..saiz org putih mangkali baini..
Hmm..yang 1st sia beli tu, nanti i mo suruh my hubby yg pakai utk carry si baby..
Tapi itu premaxx bag sling tu mcm sia tidak selesa pakai coz kalau sa pakai sanaaa sudah si baby di bawah padahal  maksimum sudah sia kasi kici tu tali dia huhuhu..so, never been used la that..what a waste oo kan..huhu

Then, i found this Ring Sling [suggested by si Rachel actually :)]
I love this ring sling very much..and my daughter love it too :)..coz:

1.) Cantik bah this ring sling..
2.) Easy to use
3.) If cuci, cepat kering w/pun cuaca mendung
4.) Stylish lagi kalau pakai...hehe
5.) It comes with a mini bag..so comel..i ca use to simpan my wallet if i malas bawa beg besar pigi shopping2..
6.) Easy for my baby to sleep and boleh bawa dia jalan2 lagi..
7) Ada pocket with hidden zip lagi..can simpan baby wipes dll..

dan banyak lagi laa..and it is a HANDMADE product!!
si Dena bikin sendiri..ada 2 saja dia bikin, and the other 1 sudah pigi China she said :)
Bagi mereka2 yang mo beli barangan si Dena, can try this link :
Banyak tu yang cantik2 sana..

Nahh..ini diaa...
Cantik kan beg tempat ring sling.. i LOVE the flower oo..cantik..
Nah.itu dia Ring sling sia..cantik kan the corak :) it's JEWELS PEONY GARDEN
Adjusting... supaya not too tight or loose..
Tadaaa!!! boleh kasi selimut baby lagi..or bikin tutup time breast feeding pun ok..
Senang kasi susu baby & kasi tidur..
Terus, ni Ring Sling jadi my fave sudah dii.. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our Wedding Anniversary Cake

My wedding cake :1st June 2010
Cantik kan...:)
Ini lah wedding cake sia time husband sia p kawin sia last year haha..
Hmm..masa berlalu sangat pantas..tup, tap, tup, tap..it's been a year since we've got married to each other!!

And this year we're gonna celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary with our darling daughter,
Nicole Grace Lawrence :) ..waa..ada baby sudah sia oo :)

Here i wanna story about our wedding anniversary cake (merangkap wedding cake kami last year juga)
Kami punya kek this year tuuuunaa yang di atas sekali tu..yang bulat..not the cupcakes yaa..the big one punya...

Sengaja sia order kek (dengan nasihat si Rachel) sama si Carol Ayim, dengan niat mo simpan yang di atas tu sampai 1 tahun..nanti time wedding annivesary baru potong & makan.. :)
So, dia bikin la, rich fruitcake tuh..sia kasi tuang sama brandy banyak2 & simpak dalam esbok sampai tiba masa utk dibuka & makan heheh..

4 days before our anniversary, sia sduah kasi keluar tu kek, mo kasi lembut dia dulu..
keras @ nokokodou sudah baitu 1 year dalam esbok..

The Cake :Fresh dari esbok..balut sama aluminium foil lagi..
Nahh banyak lapisan lagi..
Nah, bebungkus plastik..nyum2..
Kasi biar dulu, mo kasi lembik dia..
Ini la rupa kek yg kena perap sama Brandy, simpan sampai 1 TAHUN..
Nest year punya wedding anniversary, sia order kek perisa lain lagi pula ..:)